Monday, March 22, 2010

Top Ten Things You Can Buy For Three Bucks

Welcome to Spring! It is pouring rain here in Northern Virginia. Someone wrote in Facebook that we will need to build an ark. Feels that way. March showers will bring April flowers, or something like that.

Three is the number on my mind. I went to three grocery stores yesterday. The tri-fecta: Bloom, Giant, and Wegmens. And the number that kept coming up: 3 dollars. So, today I will write a top 10 list for you. All about the wondrous things you too can purchase with the three dollars you have stuffed in your pocket right now, just itching to be spent.

Top Ten Things You Can Buy For Three Bucks

10. Two dozen eggs at Wegmens, store brand ($1.49 per dozen)
9. 8 bagels at Bloom, store brand (1.49 per bag, 4 bagels per bag) They are tasty. I tried them already.
8. 3 cans of corn beef hash at Giant (if you have the $1.50 off coupon I had. If not, 2 cans of corn beef hash. They are 2 cans for $3.00).
7. 3 jars of Wegmen's brand spaghetti sauce
6. 3 2-liter bottles of Coke at Wegmen's
5. 6 cans of Tuna at Bloom, store brand (each can is 2 for a $1.00)
4. 3 items at the McDonald's dollar menu - like some tastey small fries, a McDouble, and a hot fudge sundae. Which would fill my son up but not my husband. He requires four items...
3. 1 package of Sunkist strawberry fruit snacks(10 pack) for 2.99 at Giant
2. 3 loaves of sandwich bread at Giant, store brand
1. 1 loaf of the most delicious bread on the face of the earth: Wegmen's Parmesan Peppercorn Baguette for $3 bucks

I must admit, I sinned on Sunday. Me, the queen of good deals, I came home with item 1. on the list above. Yes, I bought $3 fresh baked bread from Wegmens! I couldn't help it. It just smelled so darn good. I know I could have bought 3 loaves of Giant bread instead. But we already had Target bread at home in the freezer (this is my rationalization voice speaking). I know we didn't need it, but I felt we deserved a special treat (translation=I had to have me some yummy bread!)

It got worse. I went home to make lasagna, and the bread, was sitting there on the counter. I thought, "Hmmm...I should really save it for dinner. It would go nice with the lasagna." But then, it just looked so good. Then, I thought, "What would it hurt to have just a bite? You know, to try it out?"

So, I opened the package. It was all downhill after that.

The "babies" must have like bread radar or have like special noses like dogs do. Because they made a beeline to me in the kitchen. They had their first sample of the bread with me. And my God, what an experience. It melted in our mouths. The three of us looked at each other, speechless, and licked crumbs off of our fingers. They followed me straight to the couch and we made short order of half, yes half, of that baguette!

Sadly, my husband only received a small piece of the coveted special treat with his lasagna. Sometimes hunger leads to selfishness. I am human. The "babies" and I got carried away.

So, what will I be doing with the next $3 I have in my pocket?

You guessed it? Going to Wegmens. Life is short. He works hard and we all deserve some nice bread now and then.

Until we meet again. My recessionary tale will continue tomorrow.

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